

  1. GU
    The Impact of COVID-19 on Urban Hotspots Vitality: An illustrative study on human footfall in Auckland through mobile location data
    I-Ting Chuang, and Qingqing Chen
    The 8th International Conference on Green Urbanisum, Oct 2024
  2. AAG
    Mapping the Invisible: Decoding Perceived Urban Smells through Geosocial Media in New York City
    Qingqing ChenAte Poorthuis, and Andrew Crooks
    AAG Annual Meeting, Apr 2024
  3. AI & Health
    A Tale of Vaccination Debates & Public Responses: Data-driven Insights from a Multi-medium Exploration during the COVID-19 Era
    Qingqing ChenAndrew Crooks, Adam Sullivan, and 2 more authors
    The first UB AI & Health Symposium, Feb 2024


  1. ECTQG
    The variegated bias of activity spaces derived from mobility data
    Ate Poorthuis, and Qingqing Chen
    European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Sep 2023
  2. SDSS
    Community Resilience to Wildfires: A Network Analysis Approach by Utilizing Human Mobility Data
    Qingqing ChenBoyu Wang, and Andrew Crooks
    The Fourth Spatial Data Science Symposium, Sep 2023
  3. I-GUIDE
    International Supply Chain Shocks in a Metacoupled World
    Kate Brandt, Qingqing Chen, Keiko Nomura, and 5 more authors
    I-GUIDE Summer School, Aug 2023
  4. PIPP
    A Tale of Vaccination Debates & Public Responses: Data-driven Insights from a Multi-medium Exploration
    Qingqing Chen, and Andrew Crooks
    UB PIPP Modeling Workshop, Jul 2023
  5. AAG
    Community Resilience to Wildfires: A Network Analysis Approach by Utilizing Human Mobility Data
    Qingqing ChenBoyu Wang, and Andrew Crooks
    AAG Annual Meeting, Mar 2023
  6. Spatial@UCSB
    Categorizing Urban Space based on Visitor Density and Diversity: A view through social media data
    I-Ting ChuangQingqing Chen, and Ate Poorthuis
    UCSB Spatial Lightning Talks, Mar 2023


  1. AAG
    Tracking the Dynamics of Vaccination Sentiment in Large-Scale Social Media Data
    Qingqing Chen, and Andrew Crooks
    AAG Annual Meeting, Feb 2022


  1. Delineating a ‘15-Minute City’: An Agent-based Modeling Approach to Estimate the Size of Local Communities
    Qingqing Chen, and Andrew Crooks
    ACM SIGSPATIAL 2021 International Workshop on Geospatial Simulation, Nov 2021
  2. Urban E-Planing
    Identifying Meaningful Locations of Social Media Users
    I-Ting Chuang, and Qingqing Chen
    5th International Conference ‘Urban E-Planning’, Sep 2021
  3. Dynamic Modeling
    Human Mobility Simulation: Investigating the impact of urban vitality inidcators on human movements
    Qingqing Chen
    Dynamic Modeling, Apr 2021


  1. GSES & GeoAI-UC
    Identifying Meaningful Locations of Social Media Users
    Qingqing Chen, and Ate Poorthuis
    Geoinformatics Week 2019 GSES & GeoAI-UC, Nov 2019